Following Two letters are in the common interest of bankers and hence to give it wide coverage I have copied the same from banking site mentioned below and pasted it here.
It is undeniably true that top officers and ministers ( including office of President of India to that of Low level peshgar working in government office) claim to attend public grievance, they form public grievance cell,they form customer service cell , they publicise their Email address, they claim to receive on-line complain , but unfortunately they seldom read these complains of grave nature and always think it wise to remain silent .
Not to act on public voice is their strategy to continue in power.
Great PM Manmohan Singh remained silent on letters of Subramanium Swami which highlighted scam worth Rs.1.78 lac crores of rupees. He remained silent and continue to keep mum on various reports of scam submitted by CAG. He has time to order CBI, ED and IT authorities to take action against members of Team Anna and followers of Ramdeo , he can order CBI investigation on activities going on in state ruled by BJP and other non-congress parties but do not have time to ponder over resign of injustice perpetuated by state government ruled by his own party and by various ministries and government departments working under him,.
Denial of 2nd Pension Option - No one Cares for Even Letters from PM Office - Public Servants Do not respond to general queries except under RTI
Collected from
We have been taking up various issues relating to bankers at our website.
We also receive letters / emails from our readers who are well connected and
have taken up the issues vigorously and trying their best to resolve the issues
created by IBA. However, due to the strong lobby of IBA and hand in glove
attitude of union leaders, things are not
moving swiftly. IBA, GOI and union leaders
only move when they are afraid of contempt of the Courts. The recent judgments
of various courts has time and again bashed IBA / GoI. However, they have not
learnt the desired lessons as till date Courts have failed to punish even one
officer for wrong interpretation or non implementation of the agreements in the true spirit.
Recently we published a letter from Mr R K Singhal, which contained quite a few burning issues. Now we have received a letter from Mr GK Khurana, who has also taken up the issue, but things are yet to move in the right direction. It is shocking that senior public servants are neither ready to give 10 minutes for meeting nor they respond in writing to the questions raised by the bankers. In such a situation, what should bankers do ? They are left with no course but to either approach through RTI or file a case in a Court. We on our part are doing our duty by highlighting the apathy of the officials for the problems of the bankers. We publish here some responses in respect of the letter we published recently.
Dear Shri Singhal,
At the outset I must appreciate your efforts in highlighting the burning issues confronting the entire Banking Fraternity - serving as well as retired - in your article appeared in " " on 13th April,2012. Your in depth analysis of each item discussed in the document indicates that either you are a banker yourself or a researcher in this field. Moreover, the platform chosen to air your views is quite appropriate as, in my opinion, this is the only site which is frequently visited by most of the serving as well as retired bankers, besides the officials of the Govt./RBI/ IBA / UFBU for latest updates. I hope by now your message must have reached the concerned authorities though, the achievements will be known only after the talks for the 10th BPS are over .As per our earlier experience, this exercise is likely to take another 2 to 3 yrs from now before the next settlement is signed. Most likely the 10th BPS shall be in place in early 2015- a long wait in despair for the poor bankers ,as usual.
Though you have covered almost all the current issues but a major anomaly arising out of 9th BPS regarding denial of 2nd option to join Pension to those officers who retired under normal Voluntary Retirement Schemes of the individual Banks as already provided in Officers` Service Regulations (OSR) 19(1) to 19(7),1979 seems to have escaped your attention. As you are aware that in April,2010 Hon`ble Finance Minister took a decision to extend one more option to join Pension Scheme to all Bank Employees both existing as well as retired who did not opt for pension when initially Bank Employees` Pension Regulations 1995 dated 29.09.95/26.03.96 were implemented.
This decision was based on the MOU dated 27.11.2009 signed by IBA and AIBOC besides other associations on behalf of Bank Officers and it was incorporated in the Joint Note dated 27.04.10 duly signed by the two parties As per the Joint Note dated 27.04.10 inter-alia, it was clear that the 2nd option was to be extended to all those officers who were in the service of the Banks prior to 29.09.1995 in case of Nationalised Banks/26.03.1996 in case of Associate Banks of SBI and did not opt for Pension and retired after that date. While conveying the above decision of the Government, IBA vide its circular letter dated 10.08.2010 addressed to all Banks twisted the very essence of the FM`s decision as far as retired officers were concerned. IBA, without the mandate of the Govt., advised Banks to allow 2nd option to officers who retired on superannuation or to those who opted VRS under one -time special VRS announced by the Govt. in the year 2000 only. Thus, IBA of its own, without the consent of the Govt. denied 2nd option to those officers who retired under normal VRS Schemes of individual Banks as already provided under OSR,1979 .IBA openly discriminated between two sets of VRS optees which is arbitrary ,illegal and gross violation of the OSR,1979 as well as Bank Employees` Pension Regulations,1995. By wrong interpretation of Joint Note dated 27.04.10, IBA has deliberately denied 2nd option to even those officers who after rendering more than 25-30 yrs of service took VRS under OSR of Banks and on the contrary allowed 2nd option to officers who were having service of only 15 yrs & took VRS under Sp. VRS Scheme which seems quite unjustified.
In this context, the undersigned sent a Petition dated 1st November,2011 to top political bosses and the Secretary, Department of Financial Services (DFS),Ministry of Finance (download the full letter dated 1st November, 2011) stating the facts of the case with a request to look into the matter and get it resolved at the earliest. Though I received a letter dt.25.11.11 from PMO (download the copy of the letter from PM Office forwarding the letter) informing that my petition has been sent to MOF for appropriate action but unfortunately the matter still stands unresolved despite a lapse of about 2yrs. A copy each of my Petition dt 01.11.11, PMO`s letter dt 25.11.11 and letter dt. 07.02.12 addressed to Shri D K Mittal, Secy., DFS,MOF is enclosed (download copy of the letter sent to Mr Mittal for seeking 10 minutes time) as attachments for your information. Recently, in response to a query under RTI Act by Shri S. Ramachandran, Ex-GM,Bank of Baroda ,RBI and Department of Financial Services, MOF have confirmed that there was no communication from the Govt. to IBA to deny 2nd option to officers who voluntary retired under OSR,1979.A copy each of the communications received by Shri Ramachandran from RBI & MOF is being mailed separately for your information. Now, when it is confirmed by MOF/RBI that they have not advised IBA to deny 2nd option to such VRS optees under OSR, the big question arises under whose dictate IBA has created this farce and why Govt. is keeping rock silence on the matter for the last 2 yrs and not slammed IBA so far.
When I did`t get any response to my Petition dt 01.11.11 either from the Hon`ble FM or Shri D K Mittal,Secy.,MOF, I even requested Smt. Sushma Swaraj and Advaniji via E- mails dated 18th Nov.11 & 1st Dec.11 respectively requesting them to at least forward my Petition to FM so as to get early justice in the matter but to my dismay I have not received any reply from either of these eminent personalities. A copy each of my mails to these Hon`ble leaders is being forwarded to you for information.
In the light of the facts of the case explained above, I would now request you to use your good office to raise this issue at appropriate level so that the matter gets personal attention of the Finance Minister at the earliest preferably during the current session of the Parliament and the issue gets resolved without any further loss of time as most of the aggrieved officers are senior citizens and are desperately waiting for their legitimate pension to be paid during their life time. shall be pleased to supply any other information or document, if required for pleading our case further.
I shall feel obliged if you could take up our case on priority and pursue the same till its logical end.I shall be grateful if I am apprised of the developments ,if any on regular basis. If need be, I can visit your office on some mutually convenient date for presenting my case personally.
Thanks and Regards,
G K Khurana
Ex.OSD(CP),Department of
Financial Services, Ministry of Finance,New Delhi
and VRS optee of Punjab National Bank
D-150,Vivek Vihar,Phase-1,Delhi-110095
Tel: 9891117414, 22151696
Is Insertion of the words "Superannuation" in the Joint Note by
IBA Amounts To Fraud on Bankers ? Now IBA Does Not Even Bother To Acknowledge
or Respond to Letters by Former
Chairman & CEO of Sangli Bank
Recently we published a letter from Mr R K Singhal, which contained quite a few burning issues. Now we have received a letter from Mr GK Khurana, who has also taken up the issue, but things are yet to move in the right direction. It is shocking that senior public servants are neither ready to give 10 minutes for meeting nor they respond in writing to the questions raised by the bankers. In such a situation, what should bankers do ? They are left with no course but to either approach through RTI or file a case in a Court. We on our part are doing our duty by highlighting the apathy of the officials for the problems of the bankers. We publish here some responses in respect of the letter we published recently.
Dear Shri Singhal,
At the outset I must appreciate your efforts in highlighting the burning issues confronting the entire Banking Fraternity - serving as well as retired - in your article appeared in " " on 13th April,2012. Your in depth analysis of each item discussed in the document indicates that either you are a banker yourself or a researcher in this field. Moreover, the platform chosen to air your views is quite appropriate as, in my opinion, this is the only site which is frequently visited by most of the serving as well as retired bankers, besides the officials of the Govt./RBI/ IBA / UFBU for latest updates. I hope by now your message must have reached the concerned authorities though, the achievements will be known only after the talks for the 10th BPS are over .As per our earlier experience, this exercise is likely to take another 2 to 3 yrs from now before the next settlement is signed. Most likely the 10th BPS shall be in place in early 2015- a long wait in despair for the poor bankers ,as usual.
Though you have covered almost all the current issues but a major anomaly arising out of 9th BPS regarding denial of 2nd option to join Pension to those officers who retired under normal Voluntary Retirement Schemes of the individual Banks as already provided in Officers` Service Regulations (OSR) 19(1) to 19(7),1979 seems to have escaped your attention. As you are aware that in April,2010 Hon`ble Finance Minister took a decision to extend one more option to join Pension Scheme to all Bank Employees both existing as well as retired who did not opt for pension when initially Bank Employees` Pension Regulations 1995 dated 29.09.95/26.03.96 were implemented.
This decision was based on the MOU dated 27.11.2009 signed by IBA and AIBOC besides other associations on behalf of Bank Officers and it was incorporated in the Joint Note dated 27.04.10 duly signed by the two parties As per the Joint Note dated 27.04.10 inter-alia, it was clear that the 2nd option was to be extended to all those officers who were in the service of the Banks prior to 29.09.1995 in case of Nationalised Banks/26.03.1996 in case of Associate Banks of SBI and did not opt for Pension and retired after that date. While conveying the above decision of the Government, IBA vide its circular letter dated 10.08.2010 addressed to all Banks twisted the very essence of the FM`s decision as far as retired officers were concerned. IBA, without the mandate of the Govt., advised Banks to allow 2nd option to officers who retired on superannuation or to those who opted VRS under one -time special VRS announced by the Govt. in the year 2000 only. Thus, IBA of its own, without the consent of the Govt. denied 2nd option to those officers who retired under normal VRS Schemes of individual Banks as already provided under OSR,1979 .IBA openly discriminated between two sets of VRS optees which is arbitrary ,illegal and gross violation of the OSR,1979 as well as Bank Employees` Pension Regulations,1995. By wrong interpretation of Joint Note dated 27.04.10, IBA has deliberately denied 2nd option to even those officers who after rendering more than 25-30 yrs of service took VRS under OSR of Banks and on the contrary allowed 2nd option to officers who were having service of only 15 yrs & took VRS under Sp. VRS Scheme which seems quite unjustified.
In this context, the undersigned sent a Petition dated 1st November,2011 to top political bosses and the Secretary, Department of Financial Services (DFS),Ministry of Finance (download the full letter dated 1st November, 2011) stating the facts of the case with a request to look into the matter and get it resolved at the earliest. Though I received a letter dt.25.11.11 from PMO (download the copy of the letter from PM Office forwarding the letter) informing that my petition has been sent to MOF for appropriate action but unfortunately the matter still stands unresolved despite a lapse of about 2yrs. A copy each of my Petition dt 01.11.11, PMO`s letter dt 25.11.11 and letter dt. 07.02.12 addressed to Shri D K Mittal, Secy., DFS,MOF is enclosed (download copy of the letter sent to Mr Mittal for seeking 10 minutes time) as attachments for your information. Recently, in response to a query under RTI Act by Shri S. Ramachandran, Ex-GM,Bank of Baroda ,RBI and Department of Financial Services, MOF have confirmed that there was no communication from the Govt. to IBA to deny 2nd option to officers who voluntary retired under OSR,1979.A copy each of the communications received by Shri Ramachandran from RBI & MOF is being mailed separately for your information. Now, when it is confirmed by MOF/RBI that they have not advised IBA to deny 2nd option to such VRS optees under OSR, the big question arises under whose dictate IBA has created this farce and why Govt. is keeping rock silence on the matter for the last 2 yrs and not slammed IBA so far.
When I did`t get any response to my Petition dt 01.11.11 either from the Hon`ble FM or Shri D K Mittal,Secy.,MOF, I even requested Smt. Sushma Swaraj and Advaniji via E- mails dated 18th Nov.11 & 1st Dec.11 respectively requesting them to at least forward my Petition to FM so as to get early justice in the matter but to my dismay I have not received any reply from either of these eminent personalities. A copy each of my mails to these Hon`ble leaders is being forwarded to you for information.
In the light of the facts of the case explained above, I would now request you to use your good office to raise this issue at appropriate level so that the matter gets personal attention of the Finance Minister at the earliest preferably during the current session of the Parliament and the issue gets resolved without any further loss of time as most of the aggrieved officers are senior citizens and are desperately waiting for their legitimate pension to be paid during their life time. shall be pleased to supply any other information or document, if required for pleading our case further.
I shall feel obliged if you could take up our case on priority and pursue the same till its logical end.I shall be grateful if I am apprised of the developments ,if any on regular basis. If need be, I can visit your office on some mutually convenient date for presenting my case personally.
Thanks and Regards,
G K Khurana
Ex.OSD(CP),Department of
Financial Services, Ministry of Finance,New Delhi
and VRS optee of Punjab National Bank
D-150,Vivek Vihar,Phase-1,Delhi-110095
Tel: 9891117414, 22151696
Is Insertion of the words "Superannuation" in the Joint Note by
IBA Amounts To Fraud on Bankers ? Now IBA Does Not Even Bother To Acknowledge
or Respond to Letters by Former
Chairman & CEO of Sangli Bank
We have been highlighting here the apathy of IBA from time to time and the attitude
towards the bankers, specially the senior / retired bankers. We have been
thinking that IBA does not respond to general bankers as it thinks that officers
in Scale I, II or III, IV etc are peanuts and do not deserve to be responded as
there are thousands of such officers in the banking industry. The worst part
is that IBA itself kept it outside the preview of RTI and people are fighting
case to bring IBA under RTI so that its actions can be transparent.
The recent trends indicate that now IBA does not care even for the letters sent by former Chairman & CEO of Sangli Bank Ltd. This has been reported by Mr S. Ramachandran himself in a mail received by us. We are publishing two letters sent by Mr Ramachandran in the month of April, 2012 itself which remain unresponded and even no acknowledgement is sent. We have today also uploaded a letter sent by Mr G K Khurana, wherein at least PM office acknowledge the letter sent by Mr Khurana. Now it appears IBA considers itself even higher authority than PM office and does not care for the letters sent to them. We hope, IBA will learn from the PM Office and will respond positively for the queries raised by bankers, specially senior bankers, who do not talk non sense, but always talk logically.
In one of the letters S. Ramachandran, has written " In spite of the above clear cut instructions from the Finance Ministry I am pained to inform that IBA in its circular NO CIR/HR&IR/G2/665/90/2010-11/999 dated 10th August 2010 in paragraph no13 in 3rd sentence has added the word “on superannuation” after retirement which is not mentioned in the joint note dated 27-4-2010 . The joint note on page no 3 under para no (3) (a) states that Officers who were in the service of the bank prior to 29th September 1995 in the case of Nationalised Banks and retired after that date and prior to the date of this note. I therefore feel the addition of the words ON SUPERANNUATION is unethical and misrepresentation of facts AND FRAUD COMMITTED ON THE VRS OPTEES just to deny the 2nd pension option to VRS optees under officers service regulations 1979" .
We have taken up the above issue about two years back also, but no union leader has put up the way Mr Ramchandran has mentioned in his letter. We hope, union leaders will learn from Mr Ramchandran and expose IBA's intentions. By inserting one word "Superannuation" it has been able to deny pension option to thousands of bankers who are now running from pillar to post and spending lakhs of rupees from their life time savings to file cases in the Courts. Now Courts have started giving correct and employee favourable interpretation. We hope Courts will be able to see through the intentions of IBA and penalise IBA and GoI officers for such blatant actions.
We request bankers to Download the letters sent by Mr S Ramachandran (Click Here to Download these letters) to IBA and take up the issue with union leaders for follow up with IBA. If this type of behavior of IBA is not checked, there will be bigger frauds in the Xth Bipartite Settlement and more and more bankers will suffer.
The recent trends indicate that now IBA does not care even for the letters sent by former Chairman & CEO of Sangli Bank Ltd. This has been reported by Mr S. Ramachandran himself in a mail received by us. We are publishing two letters sent by Mr Ramachandran in the month of April, 2012 itself which remain unresponded and even no acknowledgement is sent. We have today also uploaded a letter sent by Mr G K Khurana, wherein at least PM office acknowledge the letter sent by Mr Khurana. Now it appears IBA considers itself even higher authority than PM office and does not care for the letters sent to them. We hope, IBA will learn from the PM Office and will respond positively for the queries raised by bankers, specially senior bankers, who do not talk non sense, but always talk logically.
In one of the letters S. Ramachandran, has written " In spite of the above clear cut instructions from the Finance Ministry I am pained to inform that IBA in its circular NO CIR/HR&IR/G2/665/90/2010-11/999 dated 10th August 2010 in paragraph no13 in 3rd sentence has added the word “on superannuation” after retirement which is not mentioned in the joint note dated 27-4-2010 . The joint note on page no 3 under para no (3) (a) states that Officers who were in the service of the bank prior to 29th September 1995 in the case of Nationalised Banks and retired after that date and prior to the date of this note. I therefore feel the addition of the words ON SUPERANNUATION is unethical and misrepresentation of facts AND FRAUD COMMITTED ON THE VRS OPTEES just to deny the 2nd pension option to VRS optees under officers service regulations 1979" .
We have taken up the above issue about two years back also, but no union leader has put up the way Mr Ramchandran has mentioned in his letter. We hope, union leaders will learn from Mr Ramchandran and expose IBA's intentions. By inserting one word "Superannuation" it has been able to deny pension option to thousands of bankers who are now running from pillar to post and spending lakhs of rupees from their life time savings to file cases in the Courts. Now Courts have started giving correct and employee favourable interpretation. We hope Courts will be able to see through the intentions of IBA and penalise IBA and GoI officers for such blatant actions.
We request bankers to Download the letters sent by Mr S Ramachandran (Click Here to Download these letters) to IBA and take up the issue with union leaders for follow up with IBA. If this type of behavior of IBA is not checked, there will be bigger frauds in the Xth Bipartite Settlement and more and more bankers will suffer.
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