The Deputy General Manager
Reserve Bank of India / All Public Sector Banks
Subject: Information sought under RTI Act
I would like to request you to submit information under RTI action on points mentioned below.
1. Number of government banks and their branches in India. Out of these banks, how many have been working fully under Core Banking Solution and how many banks are yet to complete CBS implementation.
2. Position of Total amount of bas assets called as Non Performing Assets vis-a -vis Total advances of each bank (bank wise) as on 30.09.2011. Please confirm whether the amount of total bad assets is calculated manually or it is generated by system generated. Please also confirm that none of branches and none of banks have tampered with CBS system to hide bad assets during anytime last three years.
3. Name of Branches where total amount of NPA is more than 25% of total advances as on 30.09.2011 for all banks and for all regions separately.
4. Name of branches (region wise for all banks) where total amount of Bad assets is more than 50% of total advances of the branches as on 30.09.2011.
5. Name of Regional Head and Name of Branch Manager where gross NPA is more than 50% of total advances. Name of CMD of the bank should also be mentioned. Similar information for Regional Rural Banks for each bank has to be given.
6. Action taken by bank management against officers, regional heads, branch managers , credit officers due to whose fault bad assets grew and reached a level of 50% and more compared to their total advances. (Please submit information bank wise and branch wise.)
7. If more than 25% of branches in any bank have more than 25% of total advances as NPA, what action has RBI or Ministry of Finance or CVC or CBI or internal IR section has taken against top officials like General Managers, Deputy general manager, Executive Directors, and Managing Directors.
8 Action taken by bank, bank wise against retire officials including ED and CMD due to whose faulty policy and faulty & corrupt management bank has to suffer huge loss caused by spurt in NPA
If more than 25% of government banks are sick of bad assets and if more than 25% of their branches have accumulated NPA to the extent of 25% of their total advances or 10% of their branches have accumulated more than 50% of their total advances in the branch, whether MOF of RBI has ever proposed punitive action against erring executives of banks,( retired or working now).
Yours faithfully
Danendra Jain
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